Aerial Application Business


Loulu Palm Farms also offers aerial application services to dust your crop with organic Mineral-Gro 78-elements fertilizer, as well as aerial application systems for Robinson R-22 and R-44 helicopters.

The World’s Finest, Most Efficient Spray Systems

Apollo Spray systems are now available for both Robinson R-22 and R-44 helicopters.
Developed specifically with low acquisition cost and maximum application efficiency in mind, these systems make all other systems obsolete.

Light weight, simple to install, yet tough enough for day-in, day-out work, the DTM-3 and DTM-4 are self-powered, so you don’t rob engine performance when spraying.

Now choose from 2 fully STC’d models, each with superior performance and low-cost economics. Low price and fast installation/removal flexibility means your helicopter becomes a true multi-mission machine.

The Most Cost-Efficient Spray Systems Anywhere

Look at the features and the price, and you’ll agree, there is nothing like it for profitable spray applications. Smooth, even, wide swaths at up to 200 acres per hour. And the DTM Series are fast-install/ fast remove, so you can spray morning.
and evening, and charter it
out by the hour, in between. No other spray systems can do this. Or cost so little.

Check the specs and give us a call!

Apollo Spray Systems come with a comprehensive warranty, and factory parts inventory that ship overnight. We support you wherever in the world you operate your Robinson helicopter.

You never sprayed like this before.
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